Creating and Modifying Users in Laserfiche


Creating a new user

-You’ll need to get the laserfiche administration console from:

\\laserfiche83\Laserfiche Installation Media\Laserfiche Client 10.2.1\en\WebAdmin

1. Once installed and configured, go to “laserfiche83> repositories> City-of-Pearland> Users and Groups“

2. You can create a new user by right-clicking ‘repository users’ and selecting ‘new user’, left-clicking ‘repository users’ and choosing ‘new item’,

or left-click ‘repository users’ and right-click anywhere in the list of users to select ‘new user’.

3. Once in the new user wizard, the only boxes you will need to fill are ‘Name’ and ‘Description’, name being the user’s username in all capital letters, and the description being the department.

The rest of the information will be pulled from the active directory, so make sure that the user is created there before anything else. Click the three dots in the ‘authentication’ box to link the user from the AD.

Uncheck the box that reads “allow user to log in with password”, as we allow single sign on through laserfiche.

4. Before creating the user, you’ll need to give them access to the groups befitting their job title and department.

If you don’t know what group access the user is meant to have, contact HR about finding the correct access levels associated with the user’s position. You could also find another user with the same job title and copy it to the new user’s account.


Adding Users to Groups

1. Go to “laserfiche83> repositories> City-of-Pearland> Users and Groups“

2. Go to ‘Repository Groups’, and find the group(s) that the user is requesting access to.

3. Once in the group window, go to members and find the user in the left column named “available trustees”.

Once highlighted, choose ‘add’ to add the user to the group.

( See attachment for more info)